Wednesday, November 3, 2010

First post!

I was pressed for time last night, writing a few essays and filling spreadsheets for my business classes. But in between, I opened up my sketchbook and drew my first pages for the book :)

How do you determine truth?

What is your philosophy on life?



  1. I really like the color scheme in the philosophy on life. I didn't really read it only because I have yet to do that one and I don't wanna pollute my thoughts with yours. Tre Bien.

  2. That's a good point.... I'll presumably do the same if I see you all post a question before me. But it will get me to respond to those questions, because I'll want to read what you post!!

  3. Exactly! Hence why I posted number two so quick!

  4. haha. I'm on #3, so suck iittttttt. I skipped ahead in the book though ;)
